Key to Happiness
Quality: HD
Episodes: 40x50"
Scripts: Yes
Scripts lang: ru, eng
M&E tracks: Yes
M&E tracks lang: kz
Year: 2022-2023
Country: Kazakhstan
Genre: Drama

Key to Happiness

  • Trailer
  • Trailer 2
  • Trailer 3
Enlik is tired of her husband's betrayal and violence, so she came with her children to her father to the village, where she can heal her soul wounds. In order not to sit idle, she decided to engage in agriculture, but she has neither the knowledge nor money to start it. And generally ploughing and sowing is not a woman's business. But the young woman does not give up, she researches, studies and creates a successful business plan, with the help of which she receives subsidies from the state and begins to plough an abandoned valley. A few years later, Enlik will become the hope, support and even pride of the village. The TV series raises the topic of modernization of agriculture, the value of the family, and support for small and medium-sized entrepreneurship.скачать dle 11.3